• Mohamed Khider University of Biskra
    Department of Foreign Languages

    Master Theses Research Areas

    Suggested Research Areas in American and British Civilizations


                Research topics can be included (but not exclusively) within the following areas


                - Multiculturalism in Britain.

                - Britain and Africa (History, Foreign Relations).

                - Britain and the Middle East and North Africa (History, Foreign Relations).

                - Issues in British Politics.


                - Multiculturalism in the United States of America.

                - US Political History.

                - US Social History.

                - US Diplomatic History.


                The research areas above ARE NOT research topics. It is the task of the student to do extensive reading, identify a specific research problem, and develop a research proposal.

                         Background knowledge and good command of the English language are indispensable.



                            Salim Kerboua 



     British Civilization:

    Thursday March 7th, 2013:

    Stuart England and the Civil War (1640-49): click here

    The Glorious Revolution (1688-1689) and It Aftermath

                The Glorious Revolution and Its Aftermath

    American Civilization:

    The Indian Question (19th Century) 

            Télécharger « The Indian Question.pdf »

    Reading: "Justifying Colonization and Land Dispossession"



    Sunday March 10th, 2013: Sectionalism in Antebellum America

             Télécharger « Sectionalism in Antebellum America.pdf » 






    2nd year Licence

    3rd semester syllabus:

    1. Introduction: Doing Research in the Field of Humanities and Social Sciences

        a) The Humanities

        b) The Social Sciences

    2. Plagiarism

        a) What is? Definition, Types, Sanctions.

        b) Avoiding Plagiarism: Why? Understanding the nature of academic research, the process of sharing ideas, knowledge.

        c) Avoiding Plagiarism: How? Acknowledging Borrowed Material.

    3. Acknowledging Borrowed Material

        a) Types of Material

        b) Borrowing Material: Quoting, Paraphrasing, Summarizing

        c) Citing Sources

    4. Citing Sources in Academic Writing

        a) Different Styles: MLA, APA, ...

        b) The MLA Style: In-text citations (cases and examples)

        c) The MLA Style: the Works Cited page(s)(cases and examples)

        d) The APA Style: Cases and Examples



  • Civilization syllabusCivilization syllabusCivilization course - 3rd year Licence - Semester 5

    Civilization syllabus
    Civilization course – 3rd year Licence LMD
    Suggested Syllabus for Semester 5

    Lecturer/ Instructor: Mr KERBOUA Salim
    Time: 3 sessions (1h30 × 3) per week.
                                                  - American Civilization: 1h30 p week
                                                  - British Civilization: 1h30 p week
                                                  - mini-research research paper with an oral presentation
                                                    assignment presentations (pair works): 1h30 p week
    American Civilization
    1. An Overview of American Geography (geographic regions, climate, vegetation…)
    2. The Shaping of the USA: a Geo-Historical Perspective
    3. Pre-Columbian and Pre-Colonial America (The Native Americans)
    4. European explorations, “Discoveries,” Settlements, the formation of the thirteen colonies.
    5. Life in the English Colonies of North America (Chesapeake colonies, New England colonies, Restoration colonies,…)
    6. The American War of Independence (origins, the philosophy behind the growth of discontent)
    7. The Birth of the Republic - The Articles of Confederation and its shortcomings.
    8. The Constitutional Convention (1787): Divergences & Compromises

    British Civilization
    1. The Origins: Celts in the Antiquity
    2. Roman Britain: Conquest, Rule, Achievements
    3. The Anglo-Saxon Era: Christianism, Danish Conquests, Unification of the Kingdom
    4. Norman England: administrative and political structure, the Plantagenet, landmarks
    5. Feudalism in Medieval England
    6. The 15th Century of Transition
    7. The English Reformation: Tudor England (16th C.)
    8. The Renaissance, the Elizabethan Age.

    Evaluation TD:60% - two (2) written tests + mini research assignment + participation + attendance
                     Written Exam: 40 % (1h30 at the end of the semester)

  • IntroductionIntroduction

                                                                                        "knowledge is the food of the soul"  (Plato)


    I am Salim Kerboua. I am specialized in American Studies. My research interests are interdisciplinary and focus on Intellectual History, the US schools of political thought and their approaches to foreign policy with a special emphasis on the Arab-Muslim World. I am also a lecturer at Mohamed Khider University of Biskra (MKUB), Algeria, where I teach American and British Civilizations courses to undergraduate and Master students of Anglophone Studies. I also teach cultural studies and Introduction to Academic Research (Methodology of Research Writing). This blog is aimed at providing some information (syllabi, grading info, notices, ...) to MKU students who take my class.

    Bienvenue sur mon blog,

    Je suis Salim Kerboua. Américaniste de formation, mes recherches sont essentiellement interdisciplinaires et portent sur l'histoire des idées, les écoles et mouvements de pensée politique aux Etats Unis, ainsi que leur relations avec la politique étrangère et le monde arabo-musulman. Je suis aussi enseignant-chercheur à l'Université Mohamed Khider de Biskra, Algerie. J'enseigne les civilisations américaine et britannique aux étudiants de L3, M1, et M2 Anglais, option littératures et civilisations anglophones, et je dirige les mémoires de fin d'études des étudiants de Master 2. J'enseigne aussi la méthodologie du travail universitaire aux étudiants de L2 et M2. Ce blog a pour but de fournir le programme, des cours, des lien utiles, etc. aux étudiants concernés.


    NEW (2018): My contribution to an edited book:



    NEW: It has been my pleasure to work with Routledge and contribute to the review of John Oakland's best selling and most reliable book British Civilization 8th edition (2016)





    NEW: My latest article, published in Intellectual Discourse 24:1 (2016): 7-34.

