• 3rd semester programme (L2)


    2nd year Licence

    3rd semester syllabus:

    1. Introduction: Doing Research in the Field of Humanities and Social Sciences

        a) The Humanities

        b) The Social Sciences

    2. Plagiarism

        a) What is? Definition, Types, Sanctions.

        b) Avoiding Plagiarism: Why? Understanding the nature of academic research, the process of sharing ideas, knowledge.

        c) Avoiding Plagiarism: How? Acknowledging Borrowed Material.

    3. Acknowledging Borrowed Material

        a) Types of Material

        b) Borrowing Material: Quoting, Paraphrasing, Summarizing

        c) Citing Sources

    4. Citing Sources in Academic Writing

        a) Different Styles: MLA, APA, ...

        b) The MLA Style: In-text citations (cases and examples)

        c) The MLA Style: the Works Cited page(s)(cases and examples)

        d) The APA Style: Cases and Examples